Blue Skies Blog

Blood Covenant, Israel, and the End-times, Week 1 Prep

BLOOD COVENANT, ISRAEL, AND THE END TIMES Bible Study by Judy DuCharme What is Blood Covenant? Basically:[…]

Blood Covenant, Israel, and the End-times, Week 1 Content

Week 1 Blood Covenant, Israel, and the End-times Bible Study by Judy DuCharme Nehemiah 1:5 And I[…]

Blood Covenant, Israel, and the End-times, Week 2 Prep

Mephibosheth, a Covenant Story by Judy DuCharme The dust billowed as the young messenger raced to the[…]

Blood Covenant, Israel and the End-times, Week 2, content

Week 2: Bible Covenant Stories revealing God’s Covenant Relationship with Israel Lovingkindness – a Covenant word –[…]

Blood Covenant, Israel, and the End-times, Week 3, Prep

Why We Love Israel (much of this is taken from notes I took when Lynn Hammond spoke[…]

Blood Covenant, Israel, and the End-times, Week 3 content

Israel, God’s Chosen Land and People Psalm 18:22-50 Psalm 18:22 – For all his judgments were before[…]

Blood Covenant, Israel, and the End-times, Week 4 prep

  Do you think/believe we are in the End-times? Why or why not? _______________________ _________________________________________________________________________ What do[…]

Blood Covenant, Israel, and the End-times, Week 4 Content

PERILOUS TIMES 2 Timothy 3:1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come.[…]

Blood Covenant, Israel, and the End-times, Week 5

OVERCOMING LIFE Revelation 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the[…]

Blood Covenant, Israel, and End-times, Week 5

The Land   Israel was known as Eretz-Israel which means Land of Israel. (Hebrew for land is[…]