Blood Covenant, Israel, and the End-times, Week 1 Prep

Bible Study by Judy DuCharme

What is Blood Covenant?
Basically: Whatever you have belongs to me and whatever I have belongs to you.
Technically: A solemn agreement or contract or union between two parties who give themselves unreservedly to each other – strength and weakness, wealth and debt.
It is the strongest bond two people can have and it lasts to all following generations.

10 steps of Covenant throughout the world and history:

Write what and where you remember seeing these steps in the Bible:

1. Two people come together._______________________________________________________

2. Exchange of coats – “Here is me” (character, commitment) _____________________________________________________________________________

3. Exchange of weapons – sword, shield, bow – “I am your strength, I will defend you.”

4. Exchange of portion of name _______________________________________________

5. Cutting – letting of blood (wrists) ____________________________________________

6. Wound is sealed so it can always be seen – rub something in so, even when healed, it’s visible.

7. Animal(s) cut in half – walk around while pledging commitment _______________________

8. Rehearse blessings and cursings – very stringent, serious ______________________________

9. Memorial established to remind of covenant – stones (engraved), sheep exchange, planting of trees _____________________________________________________________

10. Covenant Meal (celebration) – simple bread and wine ______________________________

The word ‘covenant’ appears more than 250 times in Old Testament.

Do you see the 10 steps mostly in the Old Testament or New Testament? ___________________

Have you seen covenant stories in the Bible? _____________________________________________

Where do you see covenant in your life? ______________________________________________

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