Blue Skies Blog

Construction Zone Living in Paradise

Yes, we winter in Paradise. Hurricane Irma wrought havoc with many places not far from here. Amazingly[…]

Godly Grandeur — Perpetual Creation

If you haven’t taken a walk in the woods this season, now would be the time. The[…]

Chris in Guideposts

If you missed my story about Chris in the January 2016 issue of Guideposts, here it is:[…]

Forgiveness — Let It Go

There it was again. I was out walking, enjoying the day, and my mind reached down and[…]

Between Two Trees – How To Find Your Way When the Path is Unclear

Spring has arrived and it’s time to walk in the woods again.  We have a wonderful trail[…]

The 45 minute Principle to Success: How to survive the chores of daily life

I had a book to write, not only write but finish.  I did not have a publisher[…]

3 Aspects of Hope for Daily Life

“I’m sorry, Judy, but we selected two very qualified teachers for those positions.” I was crushed. Other[…]

3 Aspects of Faith for Daily Life

I was so upset one day after a phone call from someone I dearly loved.  I was[…]